
The Geriatrics Division offers diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation for senior adults, for both the short and medium terms.

Accelerated treatment for quality of life

The division treats seniors during acute illnesses, with the objective of helping expedite each patient’s return to the highest level of independence in line with his or her abilities and limitations. The division’s most important objective is to maintain and improve patients’ quality of life, not just extend life.

Comprehensive services

Services provided to patients include medical care, nursing care, social work, physiotherapy, nutrition, occupational and speech therapy, psychological rehab, and music therapy.

The Geriatrics Clinic treats problems related to age, such as: reduced functioning, degraded cognitive ability, dementia, fall injuries, complications from multiple potentially interactive medications, and problems related to chronic conditions. In addition, the division provides complementary and alternative medicine in a variety of specialties, including acupuncture, shiatsu, tui na, and herbal medicines, for both hospitalized patients and outpatients.
