Terms of Use

Term and Conditions for Use of this Site

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Welcome to the website of the Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center ("the Site"). Use of this Site is subject to the conditions listed below. Please take the time to read these conditions carefully since your use of this Site will be construed as your agreement to them.


What is the Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center website?

The Site presents general information about the services offered by the Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center (hereinafter, "TASMC").

For whom is the Site intended?

TASMC invites anyone who is interested to view and surf the Site and to take advantage of all it has to offer.

Who is responsible for the information, content and services appearing on and supplied by the Site?

While visiting the Site, visitors are exposed to information and content provided by TASMC. Some of this information may originate with TASMC, while some is from third parties. When the information comes from a third party, TASMC cannot guarantee the reliability and precision of that information and, therefore, you may not bring any claim and/or demand against TASMC for any direct and/or indirect loss or damage caused by relying on and/or using the content and/or information provided by TASMC on this Site, which originated with a third party.

To clarify, you hereby exempt TASMC, its managers, employees, representatives and anyone acting in its name or on its behalf from any and all responsibility as described below.

By using this Site, you declare that you know that because of the nature of the content appearing on this Site, you might encounter content characterized as medical recommendations and/or advice and/or news and you hereby agree that you will have no claim and/or demand and/or suit against TASMC in this regard.

In light of the above, you hereby exempt TASMC, its managers, employees, representatives and anyone acting in its name or on its behalf from any responsibility for any deficiency or error in the information on the Site including, but without detracting from the generality of the above statement, the content of the information and any direct, indirect, consequential or other loss or damage that might be caused, directly or indirectly, by use or as a result of the information's content.

TASMC reserves the right to change or discontinue services, abstain from offering new services, or change, on occasion and at its discretion, the information and/or content provided by this Site.

Who is responsible for the information and content provided on the Site via links?

While visiting the Site, you are likely to find referrals to various sites and sources on the Internet where you can obtain various information services ("linked sites"). When entering the linked sites you might be asked to register, provide personal details, etc. The process of registration and the transmission of these details, as well as the content and information on a linked site is the sole responsibility of the owner of the linked site and you may not bring any claim and/or demand against TASMC for any direct and/or indirect loss or damage caused by relying on and/or using the content and/or information provided on these sites. TASMC does not promise that all of the links to sites found on the Site are valid and will lead to active websites. Similarly, TASMC does not warrant that all links will respond quickly and that, at any given time, the connection will be made as requested. TASMC may change the selection of linked sites on its Site and reserves the right to discontinue publication of existing links and may abstain from adding new links, all according to its sole discretion.

What obligations do users of the Site have?

By the very act of viewing and being active on this Site, you:
Agree to everything stated in this document.
Agree to and affirm the privacy policy of TASMC, as described below, and the use that may be made of information you provide on the Site and/or your pattern of using the Site.
State your awareness of the Internet's limitations regarding the security of the information transmitted over it and release TASMC from any responsibility to maintain the security of transmitted information.
Agree that you were provided all necessary information regarding the use of this Site and/or the information and content services provided on and/or through it.
Promise not to use the Site and/or the services and/or the information found on it in any way that does not accord with any law and/or is unethical and/or is not in accordance with this document.
Promise not to use this Site in any way that harms and/or disrupts the activity of any computer networks and/or computers.
Agree that, without detracting from any other right of TASMC under any law, in any case in which TASMC suspects that your use of this Site is not in accordance with one or more of the terms of this agreement and/or any law, TASMC is permitted to monitor your use of the Site, prevent your access to the Site, transmit any details about and/or patterns of your behavior on the Site that prove, in the opinion of TASMC, that they have been harmed by your activities in violation of the conditions above, to third parties or take any other measures that TASMC deems appropriate.

Privacy Protection Policy

TASMC will be permitted to use information that you provided as part of your visit to and/or activity on the Site and information gathered about your use patterns of the Site by monitoring your activity on the Site including the use of cookies, in the following situations:

For the purpose of improving the services, information and content that TASMC and/or third parties offer and/or will offer to you personally and/or to all and/or some visitors to the Site.
To inform you about various services that might interest you and which are offered by TASMC and/or third parties. In this situation, TASMC is permitted to bring the information to your attention in any of the following ways: (1) to your home or other address (2) to the e-mail address you provided (3) to the screen of your cellular telephone number by sending a text message 4) to the voicemail box of your landline or mobile telephone, according to the details you provided during your visit to the Site.
For the purpose of analyzing and providing statistical or other information to third parties including advertisers, on the condition that this information does not identify you personally, by name.
To contact you, if necessary.
For Site maintenance purposes.
For the purpose of following your activity on the Site in accordance with the instructions of this agreement and in accordance with all laws.
If you wish to stop receiving any information from TASMC regarding the Site services as listed above, you may contact TASMC, at any time, and we will make an effort to respond to your request.
TASMC will use the information you provide in accordance with the instructions of any law including the instructions of the State of Israel Protection of Privacy Act of 5741-1981. TASMC reserves the right to change and update its privacy protection policy. Updates of this type will be published on the Site and become effective within one week of their first publication.

Information Security

TASMC will take all reasonable steps to keep the information you provide secure. However, TASMC is unable to completely secure its information and communications system against unauthorized infiltration and prohibited use by third parties. Therefore, TASMC will not bear any direct or indirect responsibility for revelation or use of information you provide, as the result of other person's unauthorized infiltration, either direct or indirect, or as the result of actions and/or lack of action that are not within its control.

What does it cost to use the Site?

At this time, TASMC does not charge any fee for viewing and/or surfing alone. If TASMC decides to collect a fee for viewing the Site, a separate, special announcement will be published on the Site.

What responsibility does TASMC have for the Site?

The Site in its entirety, including the information contained therein, the software on which it is based, as well as the information and content that can be accessed through the Site, are offered and placed at your disposal as is. Use of the Site is at your sole and complete responsibility. TASMC does not express any position regarding and does not accept any explicit or implicit responsibility for: (1) information or material found on the Site, excluding the information and content related to TASMC that TASMC has published on the Site; (2) material, information and activities that you are able to access through the Site; (3) damage which is caused or might be caused, directly or indirectly, because of a defect or malfunction in the software and/or hardware and/or communications network used by the Site or in order to access the Site; (4) damage, financial loss or other loss which is caused, directly or indirectly, by use and/or reliance on information and content found on this Site (excluding information and content relating to TASMC, which it has been published on the Site) and/or provided by information and content providers appearing on the Site and/or located on sites that link to the Site, and everything as described above in this statement of service terms and conditions.

TASMC will not be responsible for areas on the Site that cannot be used and/or cannot receive information and/or missing content on the Site as the result of a failure of hardware and/or software and/or other reasons of whatever type that are not in the control of TASMC.

If TASMC notifies you of information about and/or services sold by third parties, TASMC will not be responsible for the contents of any e-mail and/or messages sent to you and/or for any arrangements made as the result of receiving this mail and/or these messages. You are to direct any complaints, claims and/or demands in this regard directly to the relevant parties and to them alone.

Therefore, by conducting any activity on the Site or relying on any content and/or information and/or services provided and/or linked to it, you are accepting full responsibility for all activity derived from and/or relying on your activity on the Site and/or any content and/or information and/or services appearing thereon and/or linked to it.

What is TASMC's responsibility for transmitting information and content over the Internet?

The Site, like the information and services contained therein, relies on the Internet, which is a public network. Therefore, TASMC does not promise that services on this Site will be available at all times, will be provided in an orderly manner or without interruption, and will be immune to unauthorized infiltration, disturbances of communications lines and systems, prohibited use by third parties, etc.

Therefore, you may not bring any claim against TASMC regarding financial loss, other loss or damage, if there is an error and or malfunction and/or failure while you are viewing and/or using the Site, if these errors and/or malfunctions are directly and/or indirectly caused by malfunctions and/or failures of the Internet.

Intellectual Property Rights

TASMC is the owner of all intellectual property rights for the design of this Site other than those parts of the Site for which TASMC is authorized by license and/or agreements to use their design. This applies to software, computer code, graphics files, text, advertising and other materials on the Site. These may not be copied and/or distributed publicly and/or transmitted to third parties and/or rewritten and/or changed and/or re-engineered without receiving express written permission from TASMC. All of the names and/or trademarks on the Site, including the name of the Site, are the sole intellectual property of TASMC or, if published on behalf of a third party, the sole property of their publisher. You hereby promise not to use any name and/or trademarks appearing on the Site without receiving prior written permission from TASMC and/or the relevant third party, as the case may be.


Will TASMC change the Site or stop its function?

TASMC may change the structure of the Site, its appearance, it size and availability as well as the content and services supplied on the Site, without any prior notification. TASMC may cease operation of the Site and/or the provision of services through the Site temporarily or permanently, without any prior notification. You may not bring any claims and/or demands against TASMC relating to any changes on the Site and/or stopping of its operation.


Does TASMC provide support for users of the Site?

Beyond the routine assistance that TASMC offers to Site users, TASMC is not obligated to provide any support regarding the way in which the Site is used and/or the services provided through the Site. You may not bring any claims and/or demands against TASMC relating to the lack of support.


Law and Adjudication

The laws of the State of Israel will apply regarding the validity, interpretation and/or violation of this agreement. The judicial authority for issues relating to the validity, interpretation and/or violation of this agreement will be the authorized courts of the city of Tel Aviv-Jaffa.


May TASMC change the service conditions for the Site?

TASMC may, at any time, change the aforementioned service conditions of the Site without any prior notification and without providing any special notice on the Site. Unless stated otherwise in these service conditions, any change will become effective beginning on the date it appears on the site. We hereby recommend that you reread these service conditions each time you enter the Site in order to learn of any changes that may have occurred in them.



The very act of using this Site testifies to your agreement to the service conditions stated above.
Any delay by TASMC in realizing its aforementioned rights or abstention on its part from enforcing these rights will not be considered a concession of these rights.
Any notification regarding the Site that is published on the Site will be considered as having been received by the users on the Site immediately upon its publication, unless explicitly stated otherwise in these service conditions.
TASMC may surrender its rights according to these service conditions to any third party, as it sees fit, without any obligation to publicize this surrender on the Site.