​At the Heart of Tel Aviv

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  • The only hospital located within Tel Aviv, Israel's cultural hub with the country's best restaurants, bars, shops, theatres, shows and much more right at your footsteps.
  • Excellent transportation to and from the hospital with proximity to buses, light rail and train stations. For those choosing to live within Tel Aviv, bicycle lanes allow for safe and easy transportation. Whether you live in one of Tel Aviv's quiet streets, Tel Aviv’s suburbs or settlement, getting to Ichilov is no big deal.
  • Just 1 mile away from Tel Aviv University, the hospital's leading affiliate and one of Israel's leading academic institutions.

A Place for All

Known for its inclusiveness, Tel Aviv has a place for everyone: orthodox and secular, Arabs and Jews, straight or LGBTQ: all are welcome.

The majority of medical and nursing staff speak fluent English, so take your time getting your Hebre perfected.

All food provided or sold within the hospital is certified Kosher.

The hospital offers a lively synagogue as well as a Muslim prayer room, for use by all hospital staff and visitors.

* For any questions or inquiries, please contact Dr. Yoel Angel of the hospital's management team at: yoela@tlvmc.gov.il